ΓÇó If you're truly desperate, hold down the "Command" (clover-leaf) key and type "Q" to quit HyperCard at any time.
ΓÇó Look at the last card of the Free Text Browser stack to see a labeled set of fields and controls.
ΓÇó Hold down the "Command" key and hit the space bar to get the menu bar back on a small-screen Macintosh; repeat to make the menu bar vanish again.
ΓÇó Optional, but *strongly* recommended: before doing heavy browsing, turn on a RAM Cache (from the Control Panel) and reboot to activate it. Even a tiny RAM cache will greatly enhance "Free Text Browser" performance, and will save wear on your disk.
ΓÇó To print out the text of this documentation, choose ΓÇ£Print Report...ΓÇ¥ under the HyperCard ΓÇ£FileΓÇ¥ menu, and print this background field (ΓÇ£DocumentationΓÇ¥), in rows, from the cards which share this background. (Or, just ΓÇ£Print Stack...ΓÇ¥!)